Commercial Stylist

You bring beauty to every shot – paying mind to composition, form, and the Art Director’s concept. As a stylist, you can specialize in one or more of three areas: food, prop, or wardrobe.

  • Food Stylist: Prepares food for its close-up, using many different (and often unexpected) means to create a delicious looking dish.
  • Prop Stylist: Finds the right objects and accessories for any shoot. May design the interior of a set, provide tabletop styling, or supply other inanimate items the shoot calls for.
  • Wardrobe Stylist: Purchases clothing and accessories to dress talent in a way that relates to the scene.

For the latter two positions, extensive research may be required to obtain the look of a certain period in time, theme, or fashion trend.

There is no one course of study to become a stylist; however, backgrounds in culinary arts, design, and/or fashion will give you a good foundation. The best way to learn the ropes is by starting out as an assistant.

Tools of the Trade: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, other office related software

Salary: $$

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