June 2023
When Is The Best Time To Ask Your Customers For A Review?
When customers are satisfied (or, in some cases, unsatisfied) with a product or service they purchase, they often go back to leave reviews on the seller’s website or social media pages. However, because they tend to forget or consider reviews unnecessary, many customers do not go back to leave...
Why Inclusive Leadership Works In The Workplace
Companies are growing increasingly diverse in their methods of operation and organization inclusion initiatives. Businesses that once adopted a leader-based mode of leadership are now leaning towards the more inclusive leadership method. But does inclusive leadership truly offer benefits? More importantly, can this type of leadership be sustained in...
May 2023
How Work Sabbaticals Can Be Helpful To Employers And Employees?
Many employees will agree that work sabbatical is undoubtedly one of the highlights of employment. With a chance to be away from work from an extended period, employees can maximize their temporary freedom and be dedicated to other personal needs. However, what makes being away from work such a...
The Importance Of Having Friends At Work
Humans are social by nature. They crave the warmth of true and genuine association regardless of where they are. Whether in the neighborhood, at school, or even at work, people often find themselves creating friendship bonds with other people. Friendship is an important type of relationship, even at work. Below...
The Most Important Questions To Ask In Your Next Meeting
The goal of any meeting is for colleagues to collaborate, make decisions, and exchange ideas. To do this, the right questions must be asked before the right answers can be provided. But what happens when employees do not ask the right and crucial questions? The success and quality of a...
When Companies Reorganize, How Do You Know Your Role?
Business restructuring or reorganization is inevitable in many businesses. When this happens, employees usually find themselves displaced from the team, departments, or usual roles as members of the organization. Dealing with changes after a thorough reorganization is one of the toughest employees face. During this phase, it is common for...
Navigating the Tough Process of Terminating Remote Employees
Terminating an employee is never an easy decision, and it becomes even more challenging when it comes to remote employees. With the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have adopted remote work policies, making it necessary to adapt termination processes to fit the remote work context. The remote nature of the...
The Art of Knowing When to Change Careers
For many people, the idea of changing careers can be daunting. After all, a career change represents a significant shift in one's life and can come with many unknowns and uncertainties. However, with the right guidance and approach, making a career change can be a positive and rewarding experience. There...