January 2021

Two men work on a Macbook laptop.

15 Tips for Negotiating a Job Offer

Engaging in a thorough discussion of all job aspects early on is pivotal when it comes to negotiating a job offer. This proactive approach facilitates a shared understanding on both sides of the table, clarifying the expectations associated with the role. Rather than approaching negotiations as a confrontational affair,...

A stressed woman in a gray shirt drinks tea.

7 Stress Relief Tips for Creatives

Stress can be caused by many factors in the workplace. For creatives, overworking under significant pressure may overwhelm the mind and stifle the imagination. In today’s increasingly digital world, signs of stress are more easily overlooked or misattributed to other causes. Luckily, there are also many things you can do...

December 2020

A man in a red beanie looks up at a colorful wall.

Exploring Gestalt Principles of Design

Designers have long been preoccupied with the way psychology impacts their trade. A general summary of some of the most important aspects of design psychology, the Gestalt principles are several rules that summarize how our minds process visual information. Building with these design fundamentals allows for a more intuitive design...

A woman in a gray shirt looks up as she is thinking.

Design Thinking for Business Leaders

What exactly do art departments and creative teams do for businesses? This question is often on the mind of stakeholders and other employees who lack a comprehensive understanding of the design thinking that underlies creative work. Design thinking is a non-linear process used to approach problems from a new perspective...