January 2021
How to Design a Better Hiring Process
Too many companies view the hiring process as a necessary evil rather than an opportunity to make a positive lasting impact on the growth of the business. If your hiring process is too drawn out or ineffective, it will feel like a drag on everyone involved. In that case,...
Design Projects: Why They Fail & How to Scale
Why do good designs fail? It’s a question that plagues designers across every discipline and skill level. Even seasoned professionals, CMOs, and major companies with years of experience and brand history sometimes have to admit that an otherwise appealing design isn’t having the impact they expected it to have. Most...
15 Tips for Negotiating a Job Offer
Engaging in a thorough discussion of all job aspects early on is pivotal when it comes to negotiating a job offer. This proactive approach facilitates a shared understanding on both sides of the table, clarifying the expectations associated with the role. Rather than approaching negotiations as a confrontational affair,...
How to Get Noticed as a Remote Worker
Competition for promotions, raises, and other benefits from management is a healthy part of the traditional office. Working remotely takes employees out of supervisors’ physical line of sight and that can cause some confusion. Figuring out how to stay visible and progress your career after a transition to a...
New Year’s Resolutions for Creatives in 2021
With a critical eye at the year that passed, creatives can set professional goals that will keep them active, searching, and imaginitive in the year to come. New Year’s is a great time to take this retrospective view, although setting goals can be done at any time throughout the...
7 Stress Relief Tips for Creatives
Stress can be caused by many factors in the workplace. For creatives, overworking under significant pressure may overwhelm the mind and stifle the imagination. In today’s increasingly digital world, signs of stress are more easily overlooked or misattributed to other causes. Luckily, there are also many things you can do...
December 2020
Exploring Gestalt Principles of Design
Designers have long been preoccupied with the way psychology impacts their trade. A general summary of some of the most important aspects of design psychology, the Gestalt principles are several rules that summarize how our minds process visual information. Building with these design fundamentals allows for a more intuitive design...
Design Thinking for Business Leaders
What exactly do art departments and creative teams do for businesses? This question is often on the mind of stakeholders and other employees who lack a comprehensive understanding of the design thinking that underlies creative work. Design thinking is a non-linear process used to approach problems from a new perspective...