A redhead woman works on a computer with multiple monitors.

How Companies Gather Data & What They Do With It

As digital products continue their rise, companies have an increasing number of opportunities to gather information on customers’ actions to better inform their business practices. From long-term behavioral trends to small interactions with a web page, companies are researching how customers use products. That can sound a bit scary, especially...

A bearded man shopping in a supermarket.

6 Tips for Building Brand Loyalty

The end goal of highly effective user-based design is return clientele. To earn that sort of customer dedication, stellar products, and stand-out branding are needed in combination. Loyalty is based on trust, which in turn comes from repeatedly good experiences with brands that visibly care about and empathize with...

Four women stand talking inside a greenhouse.

Sustainable Design Thinking: Creative Approaches for Going Green

Users and customers are more concerned with their environmental impact than ever before. Design thinking breeds innovation and an increased production right alongside it. If the theory behind the design doesn’t account for ecological concerns and sustainable business practices, the user, environment, and bottom line all suffer. As a highly...

A man looks at advertisements in Times Square.

What is Omni-channel Experience Design?

How can UX designers ensure the user has a seamless, uniform experience? The answer lies in omni-channel marketing. Not only are more and more people visiting websites and using apps on mobile devices and wearable tech these days, but they’re also combining traditional channels like telephone and brick-and-mortar shops with...

A group of people standing together laughing in the sunshine.

Employee Benefits Guide for Creatives

Employee benefits extend far beyond just health insurance and paid time off. Some of these benefits are required by law while others vary from company to company. Generally speaking, benefits are given to full-time staff members and not to freelancers, part-time employees, or independent contractors. What employee benefits can creatives...

A man in a black t-shirt works on his laptop with a cup of coffee.

The Future of Freelancing in 2021

Like many industries, creatives currently find themselves in the midst of the Freelance Revolution. In addition to new technology that allows independent agents to take on work they couldn’t have handled before, businesses are using staffing strategies called flexible blended workforces that are driving up the demand for freelance...

A woman helps a young graduate girl put on her cap and gown.

Higher Ed and the Creative Job Market

The decision to pursue higher education shouldn’t be taken lightly. In many countries, it’s a huge financial commitment. Many creative people who are aiming for careers in design or programming may wonder whether such a commitment is necessary for the jobs they want. There’s no easy answer to this question....