Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Policies: What Do They Mean?
Most of us have heard the term “NDA agreement” at some point in our lives. Whether you’re a business owner, a freelancer, or simply working in a corporate setting, non-disclosure agreements are a common occurrence.
But what does NDA mean exactly? Why do we need them? And what purposes do they serve?
In this blog post, we will dive deep into the world of NDA agreements, exploring what they are, their different names, and most importantly, their purpose.
What is the Purpose of the NDA Agreement?
First things first, what is an NDA Agreement? An NDA, or non-disclosure agreement, is a legal contract that establishes confidentiality between two or more parties. This means that any information shared between the parties must be kept confidential and cannot be disclosed to a third party.
Essentially, an NDA agreement exists to protect sensitive information and make sure that it remains private. These agreements can come in different forms, including a non-compete agreement, a confidentiality agreement, a proprietary information agreement, or a trade secret agreement.

NDAs are commonly used in business transactions when a company is sharing confidential information such as a new product idea or a breakthrough technology.
In this case, the agreement would be between the two companies to ensure that any shared information is kept confidential. NDAs are also used in employment contracts to protect trade secrets, customer lists, or any other proprietary information a company might have. In this scenario, the NDA would be between the employer and the employee.
What Does an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) Do?
At its most basic, an NDA is a legal agreement that serves as a legally binding contract between the owner of confidential information and the recipient of said information.
The NDA outlines the obligations and restrictions that apply to the information shared while also providing a legal framework for enforcement in case of a breach. When signed by all parties involved, an NDA remains in effect until the information is no longer considered confidential or a legally binding period ends.
Let’s break it down a little more.

Caption: NDA Agreements Protect the Privacy Interests of Both Parties
Alt-Text: two people shaking hands in an office
Identifies Classified or Protected Information
An NDA protects sensitive and valuable information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties. It also outlines what information is considered confidential and which information is publicly available.
Any confidential information shared under the NDA is identified as proprietary or protected. Examples of protected information include processes, designs, formulas, procedures, techniques, trade secrets, and other similar types of intellectual property.
Guards Other Sensitive Data
Apart from protecting proprietary and sensitive information, an NDA also safeguards other types of data, including customer data, financial information, and employee information.
In essence, it creates a legal obligation on the recipient of the information not to disclose or use it for any other purposes other than those outlined in the NDA.
Protects Patents
A company’s intellectual property, including patents, represents a significant investment that can be compromised if shared without appropriate protections. An NDA provides the necessary protection against patent infringement claims as it defines a legal obligation on the recipient of the information not to use that information in ways that infringe on any existing patents.
When Do You Need an NDA?
You have worked hard to create innovative products, hire talented employees, and establish a customer base. One of the ways to safeguard all of these assets is by using a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). You’d best be able to tap into the benefits of an NDA in one of the following situations.
If you have developed a new product or service, you need an NDA to prevent anyone from sharing your confidential information. Whether you are seeking investors or establishing partnerships, an NDA ensures that your intellectual property is protected. It also helps build trust when pitching to potential clients or collaborators.
When hiring employees, an NDA is a useful tool to make sure they do not share your trade secrets with other companies. If you are training your employees on how to operate specific machinery or have access to unique information, you can ask them to sign an NDA that outlines the penalties for breaking confidentiality either while they’re employed for you or if and when they decide to change careers.
New partnerships rely on trust and transparency, but sometimes businesses need to share sensitive information to establish a deal. An NDA ensures that both parties can be candid, knowing that their secrets are protected.
Not only that, but partners can discuss and collaborate on innovative ideas without fear of intellectual property theft.
Acquisitions and Mergers
When merging with or acquiring another company, both parties need to ensure that confidential information is not leaked or misused. An NDA can cover details such as sales figures, marketing strategies, and customer data, protecting the interests of both companies and ensuring a smooth transition.
What Are the Different Types of NDAs?
NDAs come in different forms, depending upon the kind of information that is being protected and the purpose of the agreement.
The unilateral NDA is also known as a one-way NDA, which is mostly used when one party is disclosing sensitive information to another party, and the recipient of this information needs to agree to keep that information confidential. In a unilateral NDA, the reciprocating party has no obligation to disclose or protect confidential information.
A mutual or bi-lateral NDA is a legal agreement signed by both parties to protect sensitive information that is being shared between them. Both parties agree to keep confidential information private and not share with third-parties. A mutual NDA is used when both parties are disclosing sensitive information.
A non-circumvention NDA is a legal agreement that protects a party from being poached by a third-party. This NDA is commonly used in China, for example, to protect businesses from other companies that might try to steal their customers or partners.
A stand-alone NDA is a legal agreement that is used independently of any other contract. This type of NDA is usually limited to just a few pages and covers the basic terms for the protection of the confidential information. It can be used before any business relationship or during the negotiation period as a means of establishing confidentiality.
Finally, multilateral NDAs are signed by three or more parties to protect shared-sensitive or confidential information—companies often use this NDA when they bring in outside partners or investment groups to protect confidential information.
What to Consider When Drafting an NDA
The type of business entering into the NDA is an important consideration when drafting the agreement. Some companies may be more likely to share confidential information due to their industry or products.
For example, healthcare companies will have different concerns from technology companies. It’s essential to understand the nature of the business to identify the type of information it holds and ensure the agreement reflects that. It’s important to do a thorough analysis of the business and your role and to clearly define what information is considered confidential.
It’s also important to note that both parties should have the same requirements for confidentiality. This ensures that both parties are equally protected and feel secure in sharing sensitive information. If one party has an advantage, this could hinder the negotiation stages. Both parties should acknowledge the information exchanged and the risks associated with disclosing it. By making the agreement reciprocal, each party will be more confident in their protection.
Also, consider the number of parties involved and ensure that the agreement covers everyone who needs to be included. This will help to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each party and ensure that everyone is bound by the same terms.
For example, if a business owner decides to share their intellectual property with multiple entities, it’s important to ensure that each entity is included in the NDA. It is important to involve legal counsel in such situations to ensure that all parties are bound by the same terms.
How is an NDA Structured?
Here are some tips on how an NDA is structured so you know what each section entails.
Identification of Involved Parties
The first section of an NDA is the introductory part that identifies the parties involved in the agreement. This section will contain the full names of the parties, their addresses, and their roles in the agreement.
The parties involved should also indicate the capacity under which they are signing, such as an individual or an entity. This section sets the stage for the rest of the provisions in the NDA agreement.
The definitions section of an NDA sets out the meaning of specific terms used throughout the agreement. It helps to ensure that the parties are on the same page regarding key terms used in the agreement. Defining key terms in an NDA is critical as it helps to avoid any confusion that may arise due to different interpretations of common terms.
This next section of an NDA outlines the confidential information that is being protected. This section clearly defines what information is considered confidential, including the extent and nature of the confidentiality.
It also specifies the purpose of the confidential information, which may be a specific project or business relationship.
The obligations section of an NDA provides guidance on how the parties should handle the confidential information. It outlines the responsibilities of both parties, including the receiving party’s obligations to protect the confidential information, how the receiving party may use the confidential information, and the consequences of any unauthorized disclosure or use.
Time Frame
The time frame section of an NDA specifies the period during which the NDA is in effect. This may be a specific term or ongoing until the confidential information is no longer considered confidential. In cases where the NDA will expire after a specific term, this section outlines the date of expiry.
Information Return
This part outlines the return provisions that are in place after the completion of the agreement. This makes sure that the confidential information that is in the possession of the receiving party is returned to the disclosing party at the end of the agreement. It may also specify whether the information may be destroyed or retained at the discretion of the receiving party.
The next section specifies the actions that will be taken if either party violates the terms of the agreement. This may include financial penalties, the termination of an employee, or injunctive relief among other remedies.
Finally, the exclusion section of an NDA outlines the information that is not covered by the NDA agreement. This includes information that is already in the public domain or information that the receiving party already knew before signing the NDA. This section also highlights any exceptions to the overall obligations and confidentiality provisions of the NDA.
What Makes an NDA Void?
An NDA can be void if its terms are illegal or against public policy. For instance, it’s illegal for NDAs to restrict whistleblowing or disclosure of information that is required by law. NDAs also can’t restrict an employee’s right to work in their profession or trade.
This might sound obvious, but remember that an NDA is only enforceable if both parties sign it. If there’s no agreement, then there’s no NDA, and nothing to enforce. It’s essential to ensure that all parties involved sign the NDA before any confidential information is disclosed or shared.
Another common-sense piece? If the information that is supposed to be kept confidential is already public knowledge, then the NDA is void. NDAs only protect confidential information that hasn’t been previously disclosed to the public.
If one party to an NDA breaches the agreement, that can render the NDA void. The breach could be intentional or unintentional, and it could lead to a lawsuit for damages. It’s always essential to honor the terms of an NDA, whether you’re an employee or an employer, as breaching it can have serious legal and financial consequences.
Are There Any Risks to Having an NDA?
NDAs can be a valuable tool for safeguarding sensitive information, but there are also a number of risks associated with them.
For one thing, some companies overuse them, requiring employees to sign NDAs as a matter of course rather than selectively targeting sensitive information. This can create a culture of secrecy and distrust, which can ultimately lead to a toxic work environment.
Another potential risk of NDAs is that they can be difficult to enforce, particularly if they’re poorly written or overly broad. To make sure your NDA is enforceable, it’s important to consult with an attorney who specializes in intellectual property law. They can help you create an effective NDA that clearly outlines what information is confidential and what steps will be taken in the event of a breach.
It’s also important to make sure your NDA is fair and reasonable. Some courts have struck down overly broad NDAs that prohibit employees from working in certain industries or sharing information that doesn’t actually belong to the company.
When crafting an NDA, it’s important to strike the right balance between protecting your information and allowing employees to perform their jobs effectively.
Get Help With Your NDAs Today
In the end, whether or not to use an NDA is a decision that depends on your individual circumstances. If you have sensitive information that needs to be protected, an NDA can be a valuable tool.
However, it’s important to make sure your NDA is carefully crafted and doesn’t create an atmosphere of mistrust or secrecy. When in doubt, it’s always best to reach out for help.
If you’re searching for assistance with your NDAs, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at iCreatives Staffing. Our team can help you create an NDA that’s tailored to your specific needs and is effective in protecting your confidential information. Contact us today to learn more!