Media Planner

You work closely with your clients to establish their target audience, and which channels, times and type of messaging they are most likely to engage with. Once this information is defined, you will conduct market research, establish objectives, define the advertising budget, and select the most relevant channels to purchase ad space. You need to reach your target audience whether they are watching daytime TV, flipping through a magazine at the grocery counter, listening to the radio on the drive to work, or surfing the internet at night.

Your main responsibility is planning the best times and places to reach your client’s audience in the most cost-effective manner (of course). For this, you’ll rely on extensive demographic information about their viewing, listening, and reading habits to make strategic decisions about where to place your client’s message; newspapers, online, TV, Radio, Magazines, etc.

Problem-solving skills, knowledge of current events and traditional media, and plain old common sense will help you succeed in this career.

In some agencies the Media Planner and Media Buyer position are combined, while in other companies they work closely together.

Tools of the Trade: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, other office related software

Salary: $$$

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