Trend Watcher/Forecaster

Eavesdropper, visionary, curious cat, open-minded – you’re all of this and more.

As a trend watcher – also known as trend forecaster – you act as the eyes and ears of a company. You are responsible for knowing the hot topics of conversation, being vigilant of changes in fashion, reading up on popular items being published, and other cultural trends.

You may find yourself on the streets talking to teenagers, university students, or the “average Joe” in order to glean this information. Additionally, you may travel domestically and internationally to identify global trends, predict how they can shape your industry, and understand the broader influence of a product or idea.

Writing a Trend Analysis, an extensive report on your discoveries and how they can influence your company, is all in a day’s work. Backgrounds in research, writing, philosophy or design are helpful; but being a natural observer able to spot patterns in consumer behavior; and media savvy to analyze fashion, social media platforms, technologies, and cultural trends; is what’s most important.

In a few years – after you’ve acquired enough experience and track record – you can become an industry authority, and your clients may use your insights for inspiration and guidance when designing a new product or collection.

Tools of the Trade: Microsoft Word; Excel, PowerPoint, other office related software.

Salary: $

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